Don't miss out on bookish events, podcasts and interviews

Want to know where you can meet the author? 

Want to read the latest in blog interviews, or listen in a podcast?

Here's the page to find it.

***Please note this page is undergoing updating and will be updated soon***

Podcasts and Interviews

Here you'll find links to all the fun blog and podcasts interviews.

***Psst. I'm working on getting all the links sorted. BRB.***

Creativity, Diversity, and Dreams with Marilu Moser

Click here to read Harness Magazine's interview of Marilu Moser.

Anna-Kate interviews fantasy author Marilu Moser about writing, life, and more.

Anna-Kate and Marilu Moser sit down and discuss writing, characters, and what makes worlds and characters popular.

Book Signings and Events

Oh bummer.

There are no scheduled events for 2024 or 2025. But everything is always subject to change so be sure to check back and see if you'll be able to meet me at an event.